
n.心肺復蘇(全寫為 cardiopulmonary resuscitation,包含進行人工呼吸以及體外心臟推拿)
  心肺復蘇(全寫為 cardiopulmonary resuscitation,包含進行人工呼吸以及體外心臟推拿)breathing air into the mouth of an unconscious person and pressing on their chest to keep them alive by sending air around their body (the abbreviation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation )
  N-UNCOUNT=) cardiopulmonary resuscitation .心肺復蘇;人工呼吸CPR is a medical technique for reviving someone whose heart has stopped beating by pressing on their chest and breathing into their mouth. CPR is an abbreviation for (縮略McMullen performed CPR while other bystanders called 911.麥克馬倫進行人工呼吸,其餘觀看者則打了911。
  McMullen performed CPR while other bystanders called 911. 麥克馬倫進行人工呼吸,其餘觀看者則打了911。
  Several other attributes named sync, json, and cpr let you specify various features of the generated code. 名為sync、json以及cpr的屬性則可以讓您指定已經天生代碼的種種特徵。
  If the cpr attribute is true, a JavaScript variable is declared and initialized with null. 若是cpr屬性為true,就會聲明一個JavaScript變量并由null對該變量進行初始化。
  Have members of your household take basic first aid and CPR courses. 讓你的家人進修的急救以及人工呼吸課程。
  But research has shown many people do chest compressions too slowly during CPR. 而研究發明很多人在實行CPR的胸部按壓時節拍太慢。
  He also highlights that they are both professionally trained in CPR and water safety. 他還誇大他們都接收過業餘的心肺復蘇術以及水上寧靜訓練。
  That indicates that scattered rocks associated with young impact craters are more likely the causes of the high CPR. 這註解與年青的撞擊坑相關的散布碎石極可能是高CPR的緣故原由。
  Since cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR) guidelines was constituted in 1974, it was adopted many times. 心肺復蘇指南自1974年擬定以來,多次修訂改進。
  Methods CPR’s system design was described by function modules, data flow and system characteristics. 要領經由過程功效模塊、數據流程、體系特徵三方面來描寫CPR的體系設計;
  The surname of an accompanying dependent child will not be printed on the principal applicant’s CPR. 隨同怙恃移平易近的小孩之姓氏將不會浮現于首要申請人的CPR表格之上。
  You gave her cpr, right? 你給她做了急救,對吧?
  Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped. 心肺復蘇或者CPR可以或許挽救心臟遏制的人的生命。
 百家樂技巧 I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency. 我要示范在急救中若何使專心肺復蘇法。
  Objective: to evaluate the effect of the programmed resuscitation in cpr. 目的:切磋法式化復蘇在心肺復蘇(cardiopulmonaryresuscitation,cpr)中的運用結果。
  A clinical study on the dosage and the concentration of adrenaline during CPR in newborn babies 新生兒心肺復蘇時腎上腺素濃度以及劑量的臨床研究
  CPR is a good method to increase百家樂破解程式下載 the patient record writing effectiveness. CPR是提高病歷謄寫效率的有用要領。
  Many Atlantic Canadians are also not tr百家樂機率ained in CPR and first aid, he added. 他又說,加拿大大泰西區域許多人都沒有接收過心肺復蘇以及急救訓練。
  The guidelines were updated after three studies showed that the hands-only method was just as effective as traditional CPR. 從三方面的研究註解齊全手部心肺復蘇法以及傳統的心肺復蘇法結果雷同后,該綱領進行了更新。
  The American Heart Association recommends hands-only CPR for use on adults who suddenly collapse. 美國心臟協會倡議單純手壓式CPR只用于俄然倒下的成年人。
  The organization says the hands-only method was just as effective as traditional CPR in several studies. 依據幾個門生反映說:手掌急救法以及傳統的急救要領結果是同樣的。
  If a person’s heart stops, would you know how to perform CPR? 若是一小我私家心臟遏制跳動,你曉得若何進行心肺復蘇嗎?
  This thesis mainly discusses the design for the automatic generation model of the CPR human-machine interface and its implentment. 本文首要先容了電子病歷的人機界面主動天生器模子的設計以及完成。
  They found similar high CPR values. 他們發明了類似的高圓極化率數值。
  Each shift should have adequate personnel trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR). 在輪班軌制下,每一班都應有充足曾經受急救以及心肺復蘇訓練的職員值班。
  In the coming weeks, the AHA is expected to launch its2010 guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiovascular care. 將來幾周內,美國心臟病協會企圖收回它的2010年心肺復蘇指南以及急診血汗管照顧護士。
  Traditional 百家樂贏錢公式CPR should also be used for adults who are found already unconscious and not breathing normally. 傳統的心肺復也實用于發明時已經經掉往知覺,沒有正常呼吸的成年人。
  Because there are many of t百家樂預測hese cases, people should still learn CPR with mouth-to-mouth. 是以,人們依然應當學會嘴對嘴的心肺復蘇法。
  The ITF Court Pace Rating ( CPR) measures the effect of ball-surface interaction. ITF園地速率等級(CPR)首要對園地以及網球外觀的互相作用進行測試。
  Passport& CPR must be presented together to the Officer when you are landing in Canada. 當旁邊抵達加拿大報到時必需把護照及CPR呈遞給無關官員。
  人參以及醋不邂逅 2023-01-06 20:25:01


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